we are the only woodturning club in Scunthorpe and north Lincolnshire
North Lincolnshire Woodturners Association
Please note that some pages are only available to Club Members and are password protected.
Just let me know if you've forgotten the password or have any other issues with the website.
Annual Membership is £20 payable from 1st January every year.
Until recently, the provisions for half time teas, coffees and biscuits were kindly donated. Due to the increase in prices, we now have to charge 50p per person.
There is a charge of £3 per person at our Monday night meetings. This helps cover the cost of booking professional demonstrators.
There are always supplies of wood, waxes, tools, abrasives, etc., available to Club Members. The Club always takes the opportunity to buy in good condition second hand lathes, bandsaws, etc and these are also made available to members on a first come first served basis.
Just think about what our Club offers members:
Why don't you come and join us?
Woodturning is a very satisfying and relaxing hobby. Many turners actually call it a therapy and find it overcomes all the daily strains and stresses.
To those just starting out it can seem like a minefield of strange terms, names and tools. You just need someone to set you in the right direction. Some of our members have decades of experience that they are more than willing to share.
With redundancies, early retirement and people going on furlough, many have time on their hands and are wondering what to do. There never has been a better time to get stuck into a new hobby and woodturning maybe just what you are looking for. But where can you get help and advice?
Don't worry if you are new to the craft, help is at hand.
Our Treasurer has many decades of experience and the capacity to provide help and advice. He, also, has a large ventilated workshop that he regularly uses for one to one help and advice sessions.
If you'd like to find out more about the Club, woodturning and how to get started then just complete and send us the short form below:
For membership enquiries : Call John Churchill on 07723 512401 Email
For general enquiries about the Club: Email sec@nlwa.org.uk
Website Queries: Email
For details about Demonstrations, Events, etc: Email events@nlwa.org.uk