we are the only woodturning club in Scunthorpe and north Lincolnshire

North Lincolnshire Woodturners Association


Please note that some pages are only available to Club Members and are password protected.

Just let me know if you've forgotten the password or have any other issues with the website.

Monthly Demonstration Evenings

Monthly Demonstration Evenings

Monday January 13th 2025 - Rick Dobney

it was good to welcome our good friend Rick Dobney as our first demonstration evening of the new year. rick never fails but to give an innovative and novel demo of his great skills and techniques. check out the photos and videos below.

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Important Notice

welcome to our new members

Over the last few months we have welcomed many new members in to the club and a warm 'Hello' to you all. I hope you are enjoying all that the club has to offer. The Website is an important communication method to keep the majority of the club up to date with important information and news. Whenever I put new content on the website or have something urgent that needs to be shared, I'll always send out an email to keep folks up to date on what's going on. if you are a club member and reading this segment, but are not receiving emails from me, then it probably means that I haven't got an email address for you and you may not as a result be able to get into the great pages that are protected by a password. If you want to know the password then please send me an email so that I can contact you.

The Club holds its Monthly Demonstration Evenings at 7pm on the 2nd Monday each month. Photos and videos are taken during each demonstration and will be displayed here for two weeks immediately after each event. After this time, the material will be transferred to the Archive and replaced by details of the next forthcoming demonstrations . The link to this archive is shown below.

important information for new members

If you are a new Club member then you should have received an email telling you about the latest update to the website. If you haven't received this email, it may mean that I haven't got your email address or that it may not be correct. In either case you may be missing out on the Members Only content and need the password to get into some pretty good stuff. Please send me an email by clicking on info@nlwa.org.uk and I will send you the magic password.

Monday 13th January 2025 -  Rick Dobney

it was great to welcome back rick into the club. he always give us a demonstration that provides us with a new idea and perspective on our craft. Check out the photos and video of his fantastic demonstration.

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